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History & Geography

Herbert Brewer

Dr. Herbert Brewer

Associate Professor, History & Geography

Office: 301 BSSC
Phone: 443.885.1782

African Diaspora; Slavery and Emancipation in the Atlantic World

Ph.D. History - Univ. of Maryland, College Park
M.A. History - Univ. of Maryland, College Park
B.A. History - Univ. of Maryland, College Park

Diplôme d'Études de Langue Français - C.A.R.E.L., Université de Poitiers, France


Introduction to the African Diaspora; Introduction to the African Diaspora (Honors); History of the US I & II; World History I & II; History of Food in the African Diaspora

Selected Research:

• Review of Alan Taylor, The Internal Enemy: Slavery and War in Virginia, 1772-1832 (New York: W. W. Norton, 2013). History: Reviews of New Books 43:4 (2015): 126-127.
• "The Antinomies of Black Identity Formation in West Africa, 1822-1848," African Historical Review 43:1 (2011): 2-27.
• "UM Examining a History Intertwined with Slavery," Baltimore Sun, February 24, 2008.
• Guide to the History of Slavery in Maryland (Annapolis: Maryland State Archives 2007).
• "Making Africa, Making African America, 1790-1840," paper presented at the conference: African American Identity Travels, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, September, 2004.
• "Jesse Brown," "Alexis Herman," "Rod Paige," "Rodney Slater," and "Togo West," in The United States Executive Branch: A Biographical Directory of Heads of State and Cabinet Officials, eds. Robert Sobel and David Sicilia, (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2003).
• "Historical Afro-American Communities in West Africa," paper presented at the 45th Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association, Panel: Directions in Diaspora Research, Washington, DC, December 5, 2002.
• "Ousmane Sembene, African Cinema and the Black World," paper presented at the conference: Cinema Arts in the Black World, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, May 2002.
• "J Gus Liebenow and the Origins of Liberian Studies in the United States," paper presented at the 19th Annual Conference of Liberian Studies Association, University of Akron, Ohio, March, 1987.