Health Education Program
Pre-Professional Physical Therapy (PPPT) Advisement Track

The Pre-professional Allied Health (PPAH) Track, previously known as the Pre-Professional Physical Therapy Advisement Track, offers a comprehensive undergraduate curriculum along with career-specific and advisement opportunities for the student seeking a career in the Allied Health fields of Physical Therapy (PT), Occupational Therapy (OT), and Athletic Training (AT).
The comprehensive curriculum includes: university-required general education courses (including electives), physical and biologic science requirements, as well as 5 Track-Specific clinical science courses that include didactic and psychomotor components.
The Track affords the achieving student strong mastery of Human Functional Anatomy, as well as fundamental knowledge with associated introductory clinical applications in: Athletic Training, Orthopedics, Exercise Physiology and General Rehabilitation, as well as a capstone Clinical Internship experience in the final semester. The clinical site is assigned according to the student’s given area of Allied Health interest (e.g. PT, OT, or AT).
The 120-credit PPAH Track curriculum satisfies requirements for a BS Degree in Health Education and is awarded by the School of Community Policy and Health. The curriculum also satisfies: academic prerequisites for most all Masters in Athletic Training and Occupational Therapy graduate programs, as well as undergraduate prerequisites for Clinical Doctorate programs (DPT + DOT) when combined with the completion of 11 additional credits of two Physics courses + labs (8 credits), as well as an advanced Psychology course (3 credits).
The instructor of the Track-Specific courses and advisor for enrolled students is an experienced Associate Professor and MD-licensed practitioner of Physical Therapy. Student enrollees also benefit from regular notifications about extracurricular opportunities (e.g. research involvement, job placement information, professional program Open House forums and community healthcare events).
PPPT Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Margaret Alston
Contact Information
Contact Information
Dr. Kesha Baptiste-Roberts, Chair
Mr. Jeffrey Evans, Administrative Assistant
Contact Information
Contact Information
Dr. Kesha Baptiste-Roberts, Chair
Mr. Jeffrey Evans, Administrative Assistant