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Climate Science Division

Our Projects

MSU Student Airborne Science Activation for MSI (SASA)

NASA drone plane


The MSU Student Airborne Science Activation for MSI (SASA) Minority representation in geosciences (comprised of ocean, atmosphere and earth sciences) has remained relatively low despite their increase in the proportion in the U.S. population (Bernard and Cooperdock 2018). The lack of ethnic and racial diversity among geoscientists is clearly reflected in the NASA workforce especially in Earth science. The NASA Science Activation Program invites highly motivated rising college freshman and sophomores to participate in the SASA summer internship program. SASA is funded by the NASA Science Activation Program and will draw on NASA Science Mission Directorate's unique aircraft, instruments, and experts.

Rocket Club

students working on and holding a rocket

Students for the Exploration and Development of Space (SEDS) Chapter at the Morgan State University (SEDS Morgan State) is an official Chapter of Students for the Exploration and Development of Space, USA (SEDS-USA). This Chapter was approved by the SEDS-USA Board of Directors and initiated by Chapter Expansion Manager, Mr. Elvin Garayev and Chair of the Council of Chapters, Mr. Ian Burrell. MSU SEDS Chapter is active for the 2020-2021 academic year, and future terms of the Chapter's leadership. Attached is a brief Summary of the 5W's and H plus the Guiding Principles of MSU SEDS.

What do you learn?
A. Valuable skills in Communication, Creativity, Critical Thinking, Leadership, Persistence, Teamwork, and  Technical Skills
B. Being part of MSU Rocketry Academic Program and enhancing future minority groups participation in Space Programs and recruitment into NASA, NOAA and other private sector space companies.

Who can join?
All MSU Students with an interest in the exploration and development of space science and technology. 

When do we meet?
Through Google Meet every other Thursday from 7-8pm.

Are there prerequisites or qualifications?
You only have to be an MSU student in good standing.

What are you waiting for? Sign up! The application can be found here: Application Form

Contact person(s):

Mr. Giovanni Lawrence (Interim President),
Mr. Oluwaseun Okumbajo (Interim Vice-President),
Dr. Richard Damoah (Faculty and Project PI),
Dr. Antony Kinyua (Faculty and Project Co-PI),