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Civil and Environmental Engineering

Academic Integrity

The academic enterprise is characterized by reasoned discussion between student and teacher, a mutual respect for the learning and teaching process, and intellectual honesty in the pursuit of new knowledge. By tradition, students and teachers have certain rights and responsibilities which they bring to the academic community. While the following statements do not imply a contract between the teacher or the institution and the student, they are nevertheless conventions which should be central to the learning and teaching process.

1. Code of Student Conduct
(Approved by the Board of Regents Aug 11,2020)

The primary purpose of the imposition of discipline in the University setting is to protect the campus community. Consistent with that purpose, reasonable efforts will also be made to foster the personal and social development of those students who are held accountable for violations of University regulations. All misconduct, including, but not limited to, the prohibited conduct listed hereafter, is subject to disciplinary action. Attempts to commit acts prohibited by this Code shall be punished to the same extent as completed violations.

Example violation case : Classroom Disruption - The primary responsibility for managing the teaching and learning environment rests with the instructor, which includes faculty, teaching assistants, laboratory assistants, librarians or any other person acting in a supervisory capacity over the instructional forum. Students who engage in unlawful or prohibited conduct in those which includes any behavior prohibited by the instructor (including but not limited to use of cellular phones, bringing unregistered persons to class, smoking, persistently speaking without being called upon, refusing to be seated, disrupting the class by leaving and entering without authorization, etc.), may be directed by the instructor to leave the class for the remainder of the class period. Depending on the severity and frequency of the conduct, the University may impose any other sanction available to it at law, or under sanction section of this Code.

Code of Student Conduct

2. Policy on Academic Dishonesty

Faculty at Morgan State University make a concerted effort to promote honest academic conduct among students to ensure that their evaluation of students' academic performance accurately reflects each student's true merit. Academic dishonesty is, therefore, among the most egregious offenses a student can commit because it interferes with the University's primary mission of educating and evaluating students. Thus, academic dishonesty will not be tolerated at the University. Some of the more common forms of academic dishonesty are listed below. This list, however, is not intended to be an exhaustive representation of all the possible forms of academic dishonesty. Any student who is found to have engaged in academic dishonesty shall fail the assignment and may fail the course. The student may also be referred to the Chairperson of the Department or school in which the student's major is located for additional disciplinary action by the University. All instances of academic dishonesty shall be subject to the full range of penalties at the University's disposal.

ACADEMIC DISHONESTY Guidelines ver 1.3

3. Sanction Process by Academic Dishonesty Violation

Sanction Process by Academic Dishonesty Violation

4. Appeal Grievance Procedure

The Academic Integrity Committee has suggested a step of appeal procedure which would ensure the speedy settlement of the appeal process.

Appeal Grievance Procedure

All information provided by students has to be true, accurate and complete.

The steps as outlined below:

  1. The appeal student shall convey his or her appeal to the Academic Grievance Committee(AGC) Chair (Dr. Yi Liu, CBEIS 208, (443) 885 - 3067, to deal with appeal. The appeal student shall present the appeal using this google form link(Appeal From by Alleged Student).
  2. The AGC Chair set up the meeting of Academic Grievance Committee with notice to appeal student, the students can attend to the Committee meeting for the settlement of his or her appeal.
  3. Instructor provides all documents for supporting instructor's decision to Academic Grievance Committee.
  4. The AGC has to give its recommendations in seven days and report the same to the Department Chair.
  5. If the appeal student is not satisfied with grievance decision, he or she shall, then, appeal to the Department Chair.
  6. The Department Chair reviews Academic Grievance Committee decision.
  7. The Department Chair can take a week period for appeal to be considered and the revised decision to inform to the appeal student.

5. Academic Integrity Subcommittee

1. Academic Dishonesty Committee (ADC)

The responsibilities of the Academic Dishonesty Committee (ADC) are as follows:

  • Record and verify receipt of Violation Reports reported by the instructor
  • Report the violation to the department chair
  • Provide the final sanctions to the department chair
  • Review the functioning of the committee, including of Academic Integrity Procedures and Appeals, to determine if changes are needed
  • Report form : Report of Academic Integrity Violation to the Department

2. Academic Grievance Committee (AGC)

The responsibilities of the Academic Grievance Committee (AGC) are as follows:

  • Record and verify receipt of ‘Appeal Form by Alleged Student' initiated by alleged Civil and Environmental Engineering student
  • Report the appeal case to the department chair
  • Review the appeal case and further investigate the incident
  • Initiate the hearing process for instructor and alleged student
  • Provide the final decision to the department chair
  • Appeal form : Appeal Form by Alleged Student

6. Forms

7. Contact Info.

Yi Liu, D.Eng. P.G.