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Department of Chemistry

ACS Chem Club

Join the Club!!

Morgan State University's Chemistry Club is affiliated with the American Chemical Society and is open to anyone with an interest in Chemistry. The object of this Chapter is to afford an opportunity for the students of chemistry at Morgan State University to become better acquainted with different fields involving chemistry, to secure the intellectual stimulation that arises from professional association, to foster a professional spirit among the members, and to instill a professional pride in chemistry.

Chemistry Club meets every 2-3 weeks with the goals of increasing friendship and support among chemistry majors (though all majors are welcome) and initiating chemistry activities, such as field trips, speakers, outreach to elementary schools, etc. outside the classroom.

Chem Club presented medallions to graduating chemistry majors to wear with their graduation robes.

Chemistry club encourages Student Membership in the national American Chemical Society. Membership at the Basic level is free; membership for Chem Club Officers is $25 and has more perks.


 One of Chemistry Club’s main activities is the Morgan Undergraduate Chemistry Help (MUCH) program in which two/three Chem Club members meet with a class of fifth graders at a nearby elementary school for between four and six weeks, about 45 minutes one afternoon a week.  The presenters supervise the children in hands-on experiments such as making Slime (demonstrating polymers), exploring acids and bases, learning about density, determining how much sugar is in a soda, etc.  The final week is a party involving making ice cream in a baggie. 

The goal of the MUCH program is to popularize science among school children as well as to offer good role models of successful college students. 

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