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Community College Leadership

Krishna Bista

Dr. Krishna Bista

Professor, Community College Leadership Program, Community College Leadership

Office: Banneker, Suite 200A
Phone: (443) 885-4506

EdD- Educational Leadership/Higher Education (Arkansas State University)
EdS- Community College Teaching & Administration (Arkansas State University)
MS- Post Secondary Education & English (Troy University)
MA -English Language & Literature (Tribhuvan University)
BA/BEd- Sociology, English, and Education (Tribhuvan University)

Biography/Professional Summary

Krishna Bista is a Professor of Higher Education in the Department of Advanced Studies, Leadership and Policy at Morgan State University, Maryland (USA). Dr. Bista is an internationally recognized expert of global student mobility and international education. He teaches doctoral courses in Higher Education and Community College Leadership programs and supervises doctoral dissertations. At Morgan State University, he has led Teach Online Workshop and the Summer Writing Institute. He has chaired several communities including tenure and promotion, research and publication, international affairs strategic planning, and  technology committee and organized multiple workshops and conferences on a wide range of higher education topics. Dr. Bista has published more than 100 academic papers, essays, book chapters and edited three dozen books and journal volumes on a wide range of higher education topics including  international student mobility, campus internationalization, doctoral student experiences, and online teaching and learning. Dr. Bista is the founding editor of the Journal of International Students, a flagship quarterly publication in international education. He is also the founding series editor for the Routledge Global Student Mobility Book Series and the founding Chair for the Comparative and International Education Society Study Abroad and International Students SIG. Currently, he serves as the Vice President of the STAR Scholars Network, Maryland. Previously, Dr. Bista served as the director of Global Education at the University of Louisiana at Monroe, where he was Chase Endowed Professor of Education in the School of Education.His recent books include Reimagining Internationalization and International Initiatives at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (w/Pinder, Palgrave McMillan, 2022), Online Teaching and Learning in Higher Education During COVID-19: International Perspectives and Experiences (w/Roy & Allen, Routledge, 2022); The Experiences of International Faculty in Institutions of Higher Education: Enhancing Recruitment, Retention, and Integration of International Talent (w/Glass & Lin, Routledge, 2021); International Students at US Community Colleges: Opportunities, Challenges, and Successes (w/Malvaux, Routledge, 2021). Bista serves on the editorial review boards for Kappa Delta Pi Record, Teachers College Record, Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, and International Journal of Leadership in Education. He has reviewed several book projects related to educational research, international and comparative education series for Springer, Routledge, Sage, Palgrave MacMillan, and Bloomsbury publications. Dr. Bista presents annually at national and international conferences—American Educational Research Association, Comparative and International Educational Society, and Association for the Study of Higher Education.

Doctoral Courses Taught

EDSR 604 Introduction to Educational Research 
EDSR 632 Quantitative Research Methods in Education 
EDSR 624 Qualitative Educational Research 
EDHE 627 Mixed Methods Research 
EDHE 608 Technology for Community College Leaders 
EDHE 605 Community College Planning and Management 

Research Interests

International Student Mobility, Doctoral Student Experience, Technology in Higher Education, Leadership Preparation and Practice, College Access and Success                                        

Selected Publications Books (selected)

Journal Articles (selected)