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Advanced Studies, Leadership & Policy

Jordan Harper Image

Dr. Jordan Harper

Assistant Professor, Higher Education & Student Affairs, Advanced Studies, Leadership & Policy

Office: Banneker Hall 310
Phone: (443) 885-2505

Dr. Harper Curriculum Vitae


B.A. Individualized Study, University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC)

Ph.D. Urban Education Policy (Higher Education Concentration), University of Southern
California (USC)

Jordan Harper, Ph.D. is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Advanced Studies, Leadership, and Policy and the School of Education and Urban Studies at Morgan State University. Dr. Harper is a trained interdisciplinarian whose research focuses on organizations and administration. More specifically, he researches issues related to leadership, work and labor, and organizational change in higher education contexts. Dr. Harper has published research on staff and contingent faculty labor issues. He has delved into the examination of how leadership in higher education has been influenced by, and has at times upheld, white supremacy and neoliberalism. His public scholarship (e.g., reports, briefs, guides, and op-eds) has influenced policy and has been used in labor-organizing spaces. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Southern California, Rossier School of Education.

Research interests

Organizations, higher education administration and management, leadership, labor/work, qualitative methodologies

Selected publications

Carducci, R., Harper, J., & Kezar, A. (2024) Higher Education Leadership: Challenging Tradition and Forging Possibilities. Johns Hopkins University Press.
Harper, J. (2023). Hiring and cultivating equity and social justice-committed community college presidential assistants. In J. Burmicky & C. Hartman (Eds.), Equity-driven and social justice-oriented leadership. New Directions for Community Colleges, 202, pp. 77–88. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Harper, J. & Kezar, A. (2021). Leadership Development for Racially Minoritized Students: An Expansion of the Social Change Model for Leadership. Journal of Leadership Education, 20(3)156-169.