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Community College Leadership

Henry Linck

Dr. Henry Linck

Quality Matters Specialist, Community College Leadership

Office: Banneker 200
Phone: (443) 885-4291

Dr. Henry Linck is the CCLDP's expert on online course delivery as he was a catalyst in helping to structure the online program. His courseload includes The American Community College, Leadership and Administration, Professional Development Seminar and The Learning-Centered Community College. Dr. Linck has over 45 years of full-time teaching and combined management experience in higher education and private industry. He holds an EdD in Higher Education Administration from the University of Maryland and was the Dean of the Collier Campus of Edison State College in Naples, FL.

Prior to arriving in Naples, Dr. Linck was Vice Chancellor for Learning and Student Development at the Community College of Baltimore County where he was the lead administrator responsible for advancing CCBC towards its goal of becoming a learning-centered community college. He has also served as Vice President of Academic Affairs at Howard Community College in Columbia, Maryland where he was instrumental in implementing the shift from a teaching-centered to a learning-centered environment.