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Advanced Studies, Leadership & Policy

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Dr. Christine Harrington

Professor, Community College Leadership Program, Advanced Studies, Leadership & Policy

Office: Banneker 200H
Phone: (443) 885-4546

Dr. Harrington Curriculum Vitae


Ph.D., Counseling Psychology, Lehigh University

M.A., Counseling and Personnel Services, The College of New Jersey

B.A., Psychology, The College of New Jersey

Dr. Christine Harrington is a professor teaching in the Community College Leadership doctoral program in the Department of Advanced Studies, Leadership, and Policy. Dr. Harrington has over 20 years of experience in higher education, mostly in the community college sector. Prior to joining Morgan State University, she launched and coordinated a doctoral program in Community College Leadership program at New Jersey City University and worked at Middlesex College for 18 years in a variety of roles including professor of psychology and student success, director for the Center for the Enrichment of Learning and Teaching, first-year seminar course coordinator, counselor, and disability services provider.  Dr. Harrington also served a 2-year appointment as the Executive Director for the Center for Student Success at the New Jersey Council of County Colleges. As a national expert in student success and teaching and learning, Dr. Harrington has authored or edited over 10 books and numerous articles and blogs related to teaching and learning. She has also been featured on several blogs. Dr. Harrington is frequently invited to give keynote and plenary presentations on topics such as student engagement, designing a motivational syllabus, teaching strategies, and leading at all levels at national and local conferences as well as at colleges and universities across the nation.

Research Interests

Dr. Harrington’s research focuses on improving student success outcomes, especially for
students from historically marginalized backgrounds, by supporting faculty and improving
teaching and learning practices.

Selected Publications

Harrington, C. (Ed.) (2024). Creating culturally affirming and meaningful assignments: A
practical resource for higher education faculty. Routledge.
Harrington, C. (2022). Student success in college: Doing what works! 4th edition. Cengage

Harrington, C. (2021). Keeping us engaged: Student perspectives (and research-based evidence)
on what works and why. Routledge.
Harrington, C. (2020). Engaging faculty in guided pathways: A practical resource for college
leaders. Rowman and Littlefield and American Association of Community Colleges.
Harrington, C. (2020). Ensuring learning: Supporting faculty to improve student success.
Rowman and Littlefield and American Association of Community Colleges.
Harrington, C., &; Orosz, T. (2018). Why first-year seminars matter: Helping students choose
and stay on a path. Rowman and Littlefield.
Harrington, C., &; Thomas, M. (2018). Designing a motivational syllabus: Creating a learning
path for student engagement. Routledge.
Harrington, C., &; Zakrajsek, T. (2017). Dynamic lecturing: Research-based strategies to
enhance lecture effectiveness. Routledge.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Harrington, C. (2023). Is the syllabus passé? Student and faculty perceptions. Journal of
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 23(4), 19-32. doi:10.14434/josotl.v23i4.34371.
Hammond, R., Sparrow, M., Harrington, C., &; Melendez, J. (2023). Using a stereotype threat
intervention to improve placement test scores at a community college. Journal of Applied
Research in the Community College. 30(1), 113-132.
Miller, J., &; Harrington. C. (2023). Challenges in implementing and sustaining community
college organizational change for student success. Journal of Postsecondary Student Success.
2(2), 28-56. .
Harrington, C. (2023). How much have psychology assignments changed over time? A
descriptive study. The Journal for Research and Practice in College Teaching, 8(1), 1-14.
Hankins, A., &; Harrington, C. (2022). Lack of high-quality, frequent feedback contributes to
low success rates for community college students. Impacting Education: Journal on
Transforming Professional Practice. 7(4), 2-7.
Hooper, K., &; Harrington, C. (2022). Equity gaps in dual enrollment. Impacting Education:
Journal on Transforming Professional Practice, 7(3), 20–26. .
Richardson, F., &; Harrington, C. (2022). Single mother students are lacking sufficient support to
persist to graduation in community colleges. Impacting Education: Journal on Transforming
Professional Practice, 7(2), 26-31.
Howard, M., &; Harrington, C. (2022). Essential factors of a 15-to-finish campaign: Increasing
on-time completion rates for community college students. Impacting Education: Journal on

Transforming Professional Practice, 7(2), 3- 10.
Genthe, C., &; Harrington, C. (2022). Low completion rates of Latinx community college
students. Impacting Education: Journal on Transforming Professional Practice, 7(2), 32-38.      

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Website: https://