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Higher Education & Student Affairs

Sean Robinson

Dr. Sean Robinson

Professor, Higher Education & Student Affairs, Higher Education & Student Affairs

Office: Banneker 310A
Phone: (443) 885-4751


B.A. Psychology/Classics, University of Virginia 

M.Ed. Counseling  Psychology, College of William & Mary 

M.B.A. Human Resource  Management/Organizational Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison  

Ph.D. Higher Education Leadership, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Dr. Robinson joined Morgan State University in 2012 as part of the Higher Education & Student Affairs faculty. He has over 25 years' experience in higher education, having worked in both the Student Affairs and Academic Affairs arenas at numerous types of institutions, including two and four-year campuses, private and public universities, and state and religiously-affiliated institutions. Dr. Robinson began his journey in the area of student activities, then moving on to serve as a Licensed Professional Counselor on a university campus, and has worked in almost all functional areas within Student Affairs, including admissions, career services, disability services, student life/programs, judicial affairs, counseling, and athletics, before eventually moving up the ranks of Academic Affairs administration and into several deanships, including at Trinity University and Georgetown University. His teaching interests include: higher education administration, student affairs administration, student development theory, organizational behavior/theory, leadership development, and research methodology.

Dr Robinson's current research areas are twofold: The first strand is related to the exploration of the sexual orientation identity development among youth and college students, with a particular interest in the ways in which sexual orientation and gender are portrayed and represented in popular culture and mass media, particularly television and film. An extension of this research is a narrative exploration into the lived experiences of LGBTQ faculty and administrators within colleges and universities. His secondary research interest relates to the nature of graduate education, with a particular focus on mentoring. This research is an attempt to advance our understanding of the factors that contribute to success, satisfaction, and persistence in graduate education, particularly for under-represented groups.

In addition to serving on a number of journal editorial boards, Dr. Robinson is actively involved with the American Educational Research Association, the Association for the Study of Higher Education, and the ACPA-College Educators International, and regularly presents his research in both national and international forums. In 2002 Dr. Robinson received the ACPA Annuit Coeptis - Senior Professional award, which recognizes outstanding and sustained service to the field and to ACPA, excellence in research/scholarship, and demonstrated excellence in teaching and mentoring of graduate students and emerging professionals.

Research Interests: 

Sexual orientation identity development; 

Mentoring & socialization  in graduate education; Leadership & professional  identity development;  Narrative and arts based  research methodologies

Selected Publications (most of these can also be found on my profile)

Kakooza, M.*, & Robinson, C. S. (in press).  Speaking from the Double Margins: Exploring  the Narratives of Bisexual Faculty in Higher  Education. In G. Jean-Marie & H. Tran (Eds.)  Leadership in turbulent times: Cultivating diversity and  inclusion in the Higher Education Workplace, Studies  in Educational Administration Series. Emerald. 

Robinson, C. S. (2022). Trans Faculty & Queer  Battle Fatigue: Poetic (Re)Presentations of  Navigating Identity Politics in the Academy.  International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 35(9), 911-927. DOI:  


*Denotes student co-author

Robinson, C. S. (2019). Gender & Sexual Minority Faculty Negotiating ‘A Way of Life’: Friendships, Networks, and Social Supports within the Academy. In D. Carlson & N. Rodriguez (Eds.) Foucault, Friendships, and Education (pp. 77-90). New York: Palgrave.

Robinson, C. S. (2018). Mentoring in a Digitally Mediated World: Implications for Graduate Leadership Training. In L. Hyatt & S. Allen (Eds.) Advancing Doctoral Leadership Education through Technology (pp. 210-229). Northhampton, MA: Edward Elgar. (PDF)

Robinson, C. S. (2018). Faculty Work Life: Beyond the Tipping Point. In J. DeVitis & P. Sasso (Eds.) College at the Crossroads: Taking Sides on Contested Issues (pp. 209-219). New York: Peter Lang. (PDF)

Robinson, C. S. (2018). Hiding in Plain Sight: Early Career Experiences of a Non-Binary Faculty Member. Women & Language, 41(1), 110-127. (PDF)

Robinson, C. S. (2018). Campus Based Mentoring for LGBTQ Student Success. In M. Frederick, J. Maldonado & P. Sasso (Eds.) The Dynamic Student Development Meta-Theory: A New Model for Student Success (pp. 171-193). New York: Peter Lang. (PDF)

Robinson, C. S., & Troy, C. (2018). Mentoring and Socialization Experiences of Graduate Students in Professional Programs. In T. Boykin, A. Hilton, & R. Palmer (Eds.) Professional Education at Historically Black Colleges and Universities: Trends, Experiences & Outcomes (pp. 103-122). New York: Routledge (PDF)

Robinson, C. S. (2016). Mentoring Graduate Students at HBCUs: A 21st Century Mandate for Success. In C. Prince & R. Ford (Eds.) Setting a New Agenda for Student Engagement and Retention in Historically Black Colleges and Universities (pp. 64-79). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. 

Robinson, C. S., & Seyforth, S. (2016). Career Challenges of Gender and Sexual Identity Minority (GSM) Student Affairs Professionals. Common Purpose: Annual Knowledge Community Conference Publication (pp. 35-37). Washington, DC: NASPA–Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education.

Hollis, L. & Robinson, C. S. (2016). Insult to Injury: The Extent of Bullying for Gender and Sexual Minorities in Community Colleges. In L. Hollis The coercive community college: Bullying and its costly impact on the mission to serve underrepresented populations (pp. 13-123). Bingley, UK: Emerald. (PDF)

Robinson, C. S. (2016). Social Media, Celebrity Role Models, and LGBTQ Youth. In J. Manning & C. Noland (Eds.) Contemporary Studies of Sexuality & Communication (pp. 501-518). Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars. (PDF)

Robinson, C. S. (2016). Out of the closet and into the classroom: Media literacy and inclusive teacher education practice. In V. Bloomfield & A. Wilson (Eds.) Voices of LGBTQ Students and Teachers: Changing the Culture of Schooling (pp. 161-175). Boulder, CO: Paradigm Publishers. (PDF)

Robinson, C. S. (2014). This class is so queer! Pedagogy & Sexuality in the college classroom. In N. Johnson & S. Wilson (Eds.) Teaching to Difference? (pp. 57-67). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press. (PDF)

Robinson, C. S. & Alston, B. (2014). Lavender Identity & Representation in the Media: The Portrayal of Gay and Lesbian Millennials in Popular Television. In B. Kaklamanidou & M. Tally (Eds.) Millennials on Film and Television: The Politics of Popular Culture (pp. 31-45). Jefferson, NC: McFarland Press. (PDF)

Robinson, C. S. (2013). Using Technology & Digital Narratives to Engage Graduate Students in Self-Authorship and Learning Partnerships. In L. A. Wankel & P. Blessinger (Eds.) Increasing Student Engagement and Retention through Multimedia Technologies (pp. 41-65). Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing. (PDF)

Robinson, C. S. (2013). Multicultural studies & sexual diversity: A postmodern queer(y) for all. In S. Pinder (Ed.) American Multicultural Studies (pp. 463-480) . San Francisco, CA: Sage. (PDF)

Robinson, C. S. & Franklin, V. (2011). Working against the odds: The support needs of successful African American women. In C. R. Chambers (Ed.) Black American Female Students on Campus: Successes and Challenges (pp. 21-41). Cambridge, MA; Emerald Press. (PDF)

Robinson, C. S. (2010). I am because we are: The impact of musical community on gay identity. In B. Reed & Z. Nicolazzo (Eds.) Stories From Ourselves: The Impact of Work with Gender Related Programs and Services (pp. 5-6). Washington, DC: ACPA/NASPA.

Robinson, C. S. & Horton, J. K. (2010). Technology mediated learning communities. Academic Exchange Quarterly, 14(1), 110-114. (PDF)

Robinson, C. S. (2010). Media literacy and LGBT students. Academic Exchange Quarterly, 13(4), 167-173. (PDF)

Selected Presentations

Robinson, C. S. (2018). Understanding Trans Faculty. South Atlantic Modern Language Association Annual Conference. Birmingham, AL. November 2018.

Robinson, C. S. (2018). Sticks and Stones will Break my Bones, and Pronouns Can Hurt Me Too: How to be an Ally to the LGBTQ Community. USDA Pride Celebration, June 2018.

Robinson, C. S. (2018). LGBTQ Panel: What Does it Mean to be an Ally?. Millennium Challenge Corporation Pride Celebration, June 2018.

Robinson, C. S. (2018). Centering Race in LGBTQ Research and Assessment: Margin to Center (Symposium on LGBTQ+ Research in Higher Education). Chair, Katie Styles. ACPA Annual Conference. Houston, TX. March 2018

Robinson, C. S. & Seyforth, S. (2018). Organizational Climate Issues of Gender & Sexual Identity Minority SAPros. ACPA Annual Conference. Houston, TX. March 2018.

Robinson, C. S. & Seyforth, S. (2018). Career Challenges of Gender & Sexual Identity Minority SAPros. NASPA Annual Conference. Philadelphia, PA. March 2018.

Wade, M. & Robinson, C. S. (2017). The Negotiated Terrain of Gay Dads. American Counseling Association Illuminate Symposium on Working with LGBTQ Populations. Washington, DC. June 2017.

Robinson, C. S. (2017). Queering Research: A Symposium on LGBTQ+ Research in Student Affairs. Chair, Darris Means. ACPA Annual Conference. Columbus, OH. March 2017.

Robinson, C. S. (2016). Career Challenges of LGBTQ Student Affairs Professionals: An Exploration of Micro & Macro Climates. American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, Washington, DC, April 2016.

Robinson, C. S. (2016). Somewhere Over the Rainbow: Narratives of LGBTQ Faculty. American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, Washington, DC, April 2016.

Robinson, C. S. (2016). Campus Climate Issues for Gender & Sexual Minority Faculty: Making the Private Public. Center for the Study of Collective Bargaining in Higher Education Annual Conference, New York, NY, April 2016.

Robinson, C. S. (2016). Inside the Lavender Tower: LGBTQ Faculty & Campus Cultures. Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association Annual Conference. Seattle, WA. March 2016.

Robinson, C. S. (2016). Chairperson & Discussant. Educating For Social Justice. ACPA Annual Conference. Montreal, QE. March 2016.

Robinson, C. S. (2016). Chairperson & Convenor. ACPA Foundation Grant Symposium. ACPA Annual Conference. Montreal, QE. March 2016.

Robinson, C. S. (2014). Queering the Academy: Queer Theory as a Theoretical Foundation in Higher Education Research (Symposium member). Association for the Study of Higher Education Annual Conference. Washington, DC. November 2014.

Robinson, C. S. (2014). Inside the Lavender Tower: Narratives of LGBTQ Faculty. Association for the Study of Higher Education Annual Conference. Washington, DC. November 2014.

Robinson, C. S. & Stebick, D. (2014). Queer Like Me: An Exploration of the Impact of Gay & Lesbian Representation in Popular Television on LGBTQ Young Adults. Film & History Annual Conference, Madison, WI. October 2014.

Robinson, C. S. & Stebick, D. (2014). The Importance of Media Literacy: An Investigation of Gay and Lesbian Youth in Popular Television. American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA, April 2014.

Robinson, C. S. & Griffin, K. (2014). Finding Your Way: Thinking Critically about Your Life and Your Career Path. ACPA-College Student Educators International convention, Indianapolis, IN, March 2014.

Robinson, C. S. & Franklin, V. (2013). Mentoring at the Crossroads: The Support Needs of African American Doctoral Students. American Educational Research Association Annual Conference. San Francisco, CA, April 2013.

Robinson, C. S. (2013). Chairperson/Discussant. “Coaching and Mentoring Special Topics”. American Educational Research Association Annual Conference. San Francisco, CA, April 2013.

Robinson, C. S. (2013). Chairperson/Discussant. “Queer on Campus: LGBTQ Issues in Postsecondary and Professional Education”. American Educational Research Association Annual Conference. San Francisco, CA, April 2013.

Robinson, C. S. & Franklin, V. (2012). Mentoring as Other-Mothering: Supporting, Nurturing, and Guiding African American Female Graduate Students on their Academic Journeys . Association for the Study of Higher Education Annual Conference, Las Vegas, NV, November 2012.

Robinson, C. S. (2012). Campus-Based Mentoring for LGBTQ College Students: Implications for Staff & Administrators. Association for the Study of Higher Education Annual Conference, Las Vegas, NV, November 2012.

Robinson, C. S. (2012). Campus-Based Mentoring for LGBTQ College Students: Implications for Student Affairs. ACPA Annual Conference. Louisville, KY, March 2012.

Robinson, C. S. & Franklin, V. (2011). Talking Back & Speaking Out: Mentoring Experiences of African American Female Doctoral Students. American Educational Research Association Annual Conference. New Orleans, LA, April 2011.

Robinson, C. S. & Franklin, V. (2011). Mentoring & Support Needs of Successful African American Female College Students: Implications for Student Affairs. ACPA Annual Conference. Baltimore, MD, March 2011.

Robinson, C. S. & Franklin, V. (2011). Talking Back & Speaking Out: Mentoring Experiences of African American Female Doctoral Students in the U.S. Preparing for Academic Practice Symposium, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK. March 2011.