Corporate Purchasing Card Office
The Corporate Purchasing Card Program (CPC) was implemented in 1997. A Corporate Purchasing Card is similar to a consumer credit card, except there are no fees or interest costs to the state. It helps agencies obtain small-dollar (under $5,000) value items more efficiently and cost-effectively. The Comptroller of Maryland's General Accounting Division (GAD) administrates the statewide program. GAD provides oversight for the control of the program and coordinates a program to monitor and report fraud, waste, and abuse. As a State Agency, the Morgan State Purchasing Card Program must comply with policies, procedures, and instructions contained in the COMPTROLLER OF MARYLAND CORPORATE PURCHASING CARD (CPC) POLICY AND PROCEDURES MANUAL for appropriate use of the Corporate Purchasing Card. Morgan State's Purchasing Card Guide and Handbook are approved supplemental policies and procedures to the Comptroller of Maryland CPC Policy and Procedures Manual. Failure to comply will result in the entire agency's suspension and/or termination of cards.
The agency's fiscal officer is responsible for the fiscal oversight of the agency's Corporate Purchasing Card Program. The agency's fiscal officer or individual designee of the agency's fiscal officer will assign the agency Purchasing Card Program Administrator (PCPA), approve the issuance of cards, ensure prompt reconciliation of monthly bank statements, and prepare statistics and reports necessary to manage and control all card activity.
The Purchase Card Program Administrator may adjust the monthly purchase limits upward when appropriate justification is provided. However, the maximum single purchase limit under all circumstances is $5,000.
Obtaining a Corporate Purchasing Card
To obtain a Corporate Purchasing Card, complete the [MSU Corporate Purchasing Card Application] and email it to
The applicant should receive his or her Procurement Card within ten (10) business days after passing the mandatory Purchasing Card Training. To request training, visit [Training Link].
Contact | tel: (443) 885-4565