Due to the current and anticipated inclement weather conditions, Morgan State University will open at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, February 12, 2025. Classes will begin at 10 a.m.
View Additional InfoDepartment of Philosophy & Religious Studies
The Major in Philosophy
The objectives of the philosophy major are: (1) to aid students in developing skills in reflective thinking and critical judgment; (2) to foster in students an understanding and appreciation of the various interpretations of reality throughout the ages; (3) to foster in students a knowledge and appreciation of the value judgments in various aspects of human life; and (4) to foster in students a knowledge and appreciation of the gray issues and problems in contemporary philosophy and society and to guide in the finding of effective solutions. Students may concentrate in one of three areas: philosophy, religious studies, and pre-law.
All students must complete CORE, TRACK, AND ELECTIVE requirements.
CORE: (12 Credits)
PHIL 102 Introduction to Philosophy 3
PHIL 443 Great Works Seminar 3
PHIL 490 Seminar I* 3
PHIL 491 Seminar II* 3
*Departmental honors students satisfy the senior seminar requirement by completing PHIL
488 and PHIL 489, Senior Honors Thesis I-II.
Philosophy Track (12 Credits)
Students majoring in Philosophy and pursuing the Philosophy track must complete 4 of the following courses (only 1 of the 4 courses can be at the 200 level):
PHIL 220 Ethics and Values/PHIL 221 Introduction to Ethics 3
PHIL 222 Introduction to Theory of Knowledge 3
PHIL 224 Introduction to Public Philosophy 3
PHIL 302 Introduction to Formal and Informal Logic 3
PHIL 332 Western Philosophy I: Ancient 3
PHIL 337 Western Philosophy III: Early Modern 3
PHIL 339 Western Philosophy IV: 19th Century 3
PHIL 439 Western Philosophy V: Contemporary 3
Religious Studies Track (12 Credits)
Students majoring in Philosophy and pursuing the Religious Studies track must complete 4 of the following courses (only 1 of the 4 courses can be at the 200 level):
RELG 201 Introduction to the Study of Religion 3
RELG 301 Introduction to Old Testament 3
RELG 302 Introduction to New Testament 3
RELG 309 African and African American Religious Traditions 3
RELG 310 Western Religious Traditions 3
RELG 311 Eastern Religious Traditions 3
PHIL 336 Western Phil. II: Medieval 3
PHIL 440 Philosophy of Religion 3
Pre-Law Track (12 Credits)
Students majoring in Philosophy and pursuing the Pre-Law track must complete 4 of the following courses (only 1 of the 4 courses can be at the 200 level):
PHIL 220 Ethics and Values/ PHIL 221 Introduction to Ethics 3
PHIL 223 Introduction to Philosophy of Politics 3
PHIL 224 Introduction to Public Philosophy 3
PHIL 302 Introduction to Formal and Informal Logic 3
PHIL 343 Philosophy of Law 3
PHIL 423 Ethics and the Law 3
PHIL 441 Philosophy and Constitutional Thought 3
ELECTIVES (12 Credits)
All students majoring in Philosophy must take 4 additional courses from the offerings in Philosophy and Religious Studies.
Foreign Language 6
Core 12
Track 12
Electives 12
Total 42
*Two sequential courses in the same foreign language. Students concentrating in Pre-law are encouraged to fulfill their foreign language requirement by taking Latin.
The Minor in Philosophy
Students minoring in Philosophy must complete 18 credits in Philosophy with a grade of “C” or better, and may use any sequence of different Philosophy courses, excluding PHIL 109—Introduction to Logic and PHIL 220—Ethics and Values, to meet those requirements.
The Minor in Religious Studies
Students minoring in Religious Studies must complete 18 credits in Religious Studies with a grade of “C” or better, and may use any sequence of Religious Studies courses to meet those requirements.
Contact Information
Holmes Hall 309
Morgan State University
1700 East Cold Spring Lane
Baltimore, Maryland 21251
Phone: 443-885-3436
Fax: 443-885-8229
Contact Information
Holmes Hall 309
Morgan State University
1700 East Cold Spring Lane
Baltimore, Maryland 21251
Phone: 443-885-3436
Fax: 443-885-8229