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National Transportation Center

Smart, Green, Equitable, Safe, Complete Streets for All - Phase I: Development of a CAV Testbed-enhanced Smart Campus at Morgan State University

Project Abstract

The purpose of the study is to enhance safety for all participants on the road by creating an advanced Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAV) testbed. A CAV testbed serves as a controlled smart environment where various aspects of CAV technology can be thoroughly tested, refined, and validated before deployment on public roads. This advanced testbed aims to contribute to the development, evaluation, and improvement of CAVs' capabilities, ultimately leading to safer interactions between CAVs, traditional vehicles, and vulnerable road users especially pedestrians and bicyclists. The study aims to identify potential safety hazards, vulnerabilities, and challenges related to CAV technology and develop solutions to mitigate them. To provide a smart campus, the testbed would collect extensive data on vehicle behavior, sensor outputs, and interactions. This data could be used for analysis, benchmarking, and continuous improvement of connected and autonomous environments.

Universities Involved

Morgan State University

Principle Investigators

Dr. Mansoureh Jeihani

Dr. Anam Ardeshiri

Dr. Di Yang

Funding Sources and Amounts

USDOT: $100,000

Start Date

September 1, 2023

Completion Date

September 1, 2024

Expected Research Outcomes & Impacts

The CAV testbed is expected to generate a vast amount of data. The data can be analyzed to gain valuable insights into the performance, behavior, and interactions of CAV systems. The obtained information from the testbed can identify patterns, optimize algorithms, and make informed decisions, ultimately driving transformative research in the field. CAV testbeds contribute to the development of policies and regulations surrounding autonomous systems, in addition to their general effects. In a controlled environment, autonomous technologies can be assessed for safety, security, and ethical implications. These findings can inform the formulation of guidelines and standards that govern the deployment and operation of autonomous systems, facilitating transformative research in a responsible and sustainable manner.

Subject Areas

Sustainability, Accessibility, Equity