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Philanthropy / Giving

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Philanthropy / Giving | July 01, 2024

Meeting the Mission: Connecting Needs to Opportunities at Public Regional Universities

Endia DeCordova accepted the Vice President of University Advancement and Executive Director of the Morgan State Foundation role in the summer of 2023—arguably the most transformative stage of the institution’s history.

Philanthropy / Giving | June 26, 2024

Single-Year Record $5.8 Million in Scholarships Awarded to Morgan State University Students Increases Access to Education

More Than 2,500 Students Received Support Through the Morgan State University Foundation in FY24

Philanthropy / Giving | May 08, 2024

Morgan State Receives Major Grant to Address Health Care Shortage

The U.S. has been grappling with healthcare worker shortages for years. To help address the issue, Wellpoint Maryland is giving Morgan State University a major grant for resources and scholarships in the fields of allied health, biology and nursing.

Philanthropy / Giving | February 29, 2024

Aegon Transamerica Foundation Funds Actuarial Scholarships at Morgan State University

The Aegon Transamerica Foundation partners with Morgan State University to launch a scholarship program to enhance diversity in the actuarial profession.

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