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College of Interdisciplinary & Continuing Studies

The College of Interdisciplinary and Continuing Studies provides a range of degree programs to learners with previously earned college credits but no degree, affording them the opportunity to complete their degree and advance their career.

Morgan launched the College of Interdisciplinary and Continuing Studies in 2021 to provide a range of degree programs to meet the needs of a diverse student body. Programs are offered at the bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral levels, and the degree requirements are structured to offer maximum flexibility to a wide range of students, including non-traditional students, returning students, working adults, and students who need or prefer distance education. The interdisciplinary nature of these degrees permits students to draw from expertise and resources across campus to design a program of study aligned with local, national and global workforce opportunities.

Woman receiving her hood at commencement

Morgan Completes You

If you have previously earned college credits and want to finish your degree, Morgan Completes You is your pathway to degree attainment and career advancement.

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Outside of Tyler Hall at Morgan State University

18 Interdisciplinary Programs

Explore unique academic degree options in emerging fields with a flexible program design that leverages prior work experience leading to degree attainment for students who are near completers. Undergraduate and graduate level degrees available.

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CICS Dissertation Defense Announcement

The College of Interdisciplinary and Continuing Studies (CICS) at Morgan State University proudly announces the dissertation defenses of Muriel Cole-Webber and Nnemkadi Akinwale. 

Monday, March 3rd at 11 a.m. @ Truth Hall Room 205

Nnemkadi Akinwale's Dissertation Title: Exploring Young Black Women’s Birth Experiences in Hospitals from Abstinence-based Education States: A Qualitative Phenomenology

Nnemkadi Akinwale's Committee:

  • Chair:

    Dr. Michael Sinclair, Associate Professor, School of Social Work, Morgan State University

  • Members:

    Dr. Tiffany Thompson, Sr. Institutional Researcher, Morgan State University

    Dr. Tiffany Mitchell-Patterson, Manager of Social Studies, District of Columbia Public Schools
    Dr. Tracey Webber, Director of Midwifery Division, University of Rochester Medical Center 

Monday, March 3rd at 1 p.m. @ Truth Hall Room 205

Muriel Cole-Webber's Dissertation Title: What's Going On? Is Culturally Responsive Teaching and Learning Taking Place in Catholic School Classrooms

Muriel Cole-Webber's Committee:

  • Chair: Dr. Warren Hayman, Ed.D., Morgan State University
  • Members:

    Dr. Nilajah Nyasuma Sims, Executive Director Center for Continuing and Professional Studies, Morgan State University

    Dr. Brenda Conley, Associate Professor, Towson University

Dissertation defenses are public events. If you are interested in attending, please contact the students,
Ms. Muriel Cole-Webber at, and Ms. Nnemkadi Akinwale at for additional details.

Nearly 37 Million
Americans with some college, no degree
(Source: Lumina Foundation)

minimum credit hours for MCY

more earned in median annual income
for degree holders vs non-degree
(Source: Association of Public & Land-grant Universities)


