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Office of the Bursar

Tax Information

In accordance with requirements of the Tax Relief Act of 1997 the 1098-T tax credit form is intended to provide you with information to assist you in determining your eligibility for possible Hope Scholarship or lifetime learning credits. This tax credit form will be mailed to your permanent address by January 31 each year. If you do not receive your 1098T tax credit forms, you can obtain a copy at

  1. If this is your first time obtaining a copy online: Click on 'First Time Users' and complete the registration process.
  2. We strongly recommend that you consult a tax adviser when determining your qualified amount.
  3. Box 2 contains 'Qualified tuition and related expenses' for the calendar year. This amount is comprised of all tuition and mandatory fees billed. Billed charges are reported not paid charges.
  4. Box 4 contains 'Scholarships & Grant' for the calendar year. Examples are, but not limited to, Pell grant, SEOG and EAG.
  5. If you are classified as an international student, you will not receive a 1098T.In accordance with requirements of the Tax Relief Act of 1997 the 1098-T tax credit form is intended to provide you with information to assist you in determining your eligibility for possible Hope Scholarship or lifetime learning credits. This tax credit form will be mailed to your permanent address by January 31 each year. If you do not receive your 1098T tax credit forms, you can obtain a copy at

If this is your first time obtaining a copy online: Click on 'First Time Users' and complete the registration process. We strongly recommend that you consult a tax adviser when determining your qualified amount.

Box 1: This box includes the total payments from any source received by Morgan State for qualified tuition and related expenses. Please note that the amount in Box 1 may not equal the sum to the charges paid for the calendar year because not all charges are considered qualified tuition and related expenses as defined by the IRS. Room and board is NOT a qualified expense.

Box 2: Beginning with the 2018 calendar year, this box is no longer used on the 1098-T form. Previously (2017 and prior form) included all qualified tuition and mandatory fees billed for the given student during the tax year. Room and board is NOT a qualified expense.

Box 5: Grants, scholarships, and third party benefits received in the tax year are listed in box 5. Examples of amounts that might appear here are Pell and other federal grants, state grants and scholarships. Loan amounts are not reported in this box.

Box 8: Half-time student status

Box 9: Graduate student status

If you are classified as an international student, you will not receive a 1098T.

How to correct the 1098T

  • If your social security number is incorrect on your 1098T,
  • Submit your picture ID & a copy of your SSN card to the office of Records & Registration for correction.
  • Once the correction is confirmed, submit a written request for a revised 1098T to the office of the Bursar.

Not all students will receive a 1098-T form for the tax year. You will NOT receive a form in the following cases:

  1. Courses for which no academic credit is offered, even if the student is otherwise enrolled in a degree program.
  2. Nonresident alien students with no SSN/SIN/TIN data on file.
  3. Students whose qualified tuition and related expenses are entirely waived or paid entirely with grants, scholarships, or third party benefits.

You can obtain more information about student loan interest deductions, lifetime learning credit and hope credits from the IRS at

  • IRS Publication 970, Tax Benefits for Higher Education, and Publication 520 Scholarships and Fellowships, are available from the IRS Web site or by calling 1-800-TAX-FORM.